A drop of ink
Fiction • Nonfiction • Academic • Short Texts

Editing & Literary Development Services

Serving both traditional & self-published authors

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Haiku is an ancient form of poetry that relies on a masterful economy of language to convey a distinct impression. At Haiku Editorial I strive for a similar sense of clarity in my clients’ writing. No edit is too small, no plot point insignificant.
While Basho and other haiku masters could spend an entire lifetime pondering a single syllable, I work at a more modern pace. Being a solo endeavor, however, I must choose my clients and projects carefully. I select works that provide the most aesthetic promise and prefer collaborative partners who understand the rigors and demands of literary pursuits.


Everything from fiction to academic, artistic, and otherwise.

All genres and subjects

Literary Services

Literary. Nonfiction & Memoirs. Academic. Research. Artistic. Scientific. Stories. Essays. Press releases. Marketing and communications.



Line-by-line review of grammar, tense, idiomaticity, syntax, capitalization, punctuation, clarity, and word usage. It may also include continuity, flow, and structure review. Depending on the quality and state of the text, the revision may be light or substantive; your needs determine the depth, which in turn determines pace and cost.

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Editing, analysis, and critiquing of short works of fiction, from 500-word flash fiction to short stories and novellas. Among the fundamentals covered are plot or premise, narrative arc, dialogue, characterization, themes, tension/conflict, voice, and tone but usually involves many more intangible elements.

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The conceptual and structural development of novels, nonfiction, memoirs, theses, stories, etc. It does not include much line editing but instead aims to nail down the work’s central idea, narrative arc, and informational flow, as well as tone, voice, style and other key literary elements.

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Praise for Haiku Editorial

“Chris is not just a brilliant wordsmith in his own right, he was also able to bring out the hidden writer in me. His critique is always precise, supportive and encouraging, and he was able to elevate my writing to make it shine like I never thought possible. I have now produced a finished book and learned so much about myself and the art of writing in the process.”​

Haiku Editorial

Don M.


“Great working with Chris! He really helped me refine and develop my book project from start to finish. For all your editing, writing & proofreading needs be sure to reach out to him.”

Keetria G.


“Deep gratitude for your patient, incisive, and supportive edits. For first-time authors who think they don’t need a professional editor, yes, you do.”

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Justine Burt

Author, The Great Pivot

“Working with Chris was like having a superb editor, patient writing coach and an encouraging friend all in one. If you’re looking for an editor to match any superlative you can think of, Chris is your guy. During the weeks we worked together I repeatedly told Chris I wouldn’t have been able to do this without him, and I truly believe that. An absolutely brilliant editor to work with!”

Haiku Editorial

Kari E.

Let me know how I can assist with your literary project

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